Scorpio Love Profile

Scorpio holds the crown for being the most erotic of all zodiac signs. Your sex appeal is a unique and untamed force. A magnetic personality draws the opposite sex to you like a moth to a flame. You possess both generosity and dominance within your relationships. Your prowess in matters of love and romance is unmatched. Others of your gender can’t help but look on with envy as you effortlessly captivate the opposite sex. Beneath your surface, there’s sensitivity, even though you may not show it openly. Once you’re committed, your loyalty is unwavering. You’re all about a partner who’s dynamic and intriguing.

As for kissing, your style is scorching hot. You’re an absolutely fantastic kisser.

To catch your attention, the opposite sex should be: passionate, mysterious, confident, and engaging in conversation, among other things.

You are more compatible with – Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Pisces
You are less compatible with – Sagittarius, Gemini, Aries

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